Ned Gardiner, PhD leads climate resilience engagement efforts on behalf of the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (CRT) team from the NOAA Climate Program Office. The CRT is a compendium of federal data, tools, reports, and expertise designed to help state and local governments understand and adapt to climate change. He has 25 years of experience as a science translator, bringing relevant Earth systems science to decision makers. His interdisciplinary research in ecology and evolution, large data processing and visualization, multimedia production, designing and delivering public events through networks of large museums, and building federal government websites and programs allow him to deliver trusted science in a variety of contexts and with authentic understanding of both the source information and the needs of his audience. Gardiner holds a B.A. in Anthropology & Environmental Studies from Yale University, and both an M.A. in Geography and a Doctorate in Ecology from the University of Georgia.