Associate Professor of Biology School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Dr. Bernard Singleton is a native of New Orleans. He is an Associate Professor of Biology at Dillard University. He is also a Dillard Alumnus. He earned his DVM, a MS in Microbiology, and a second B.S. in Animal and Poultry Sciences at Tuskegee University. He was commissioned as an Officer in the United States Army (11 years of service).
Dr. Singleton’s research in Environmental/Microbiological/Toxicological Health Sciences has contributed to the knowledge, expansion, and the quality of life in his community. Dr. Singleton’s research work with his students has definitely encouraged additional research and has gained national attention. His most recent work includes the 2010 B.P. Oil Spill” and 2015 Santa Barbara, California Pipeline Oil Spill Environmental Toxicology, and the 2016 Louisiana Multi-Parish Flooding-air quality. He established a record of leadership by sending his students to Graduate, Medical, and professional schools. He established and Direct DU-REU Program –Research in Environmental Health Sciences. He is Assist. Director/Coordinator of the DU-LS-LAMP Research Mentoring Program.
All of his research mentees have presented and won awards at local, regional, and national conferences for the last eleven years.. His students have done internships at some of the top Universities, e.g. Stanford University, Boston School of Medical, Tulane University, University of Colorado at Boulder. He founded the 21 year old Turner/Singleton Scholarship Foundation in which he gives students funding to assist with the high cost of college education. Dr. Singleton has won the mentor of the year and outstanding mentor for research for the last eleven years. He received the National Role Model Award in 2015 Dr. Singleton (PI) has been awarded Federal and State Grants equaling over $648,000.00. He has been in a collaborative relationships with the University of Colorado Boulder for the last nine years and recently with the LSU-Louisiana Cancer Research Center. He and his students published in the Environmental Research Journal (16 students involved), The international Journal of Evolution Equations, DUJourn Research.