The Power of Digital Communications Tools

Digital communication tools have changed the way people communicate – police departments now remind citizens that tweeting a request for help does not replace calling 911. But, these tools can be used to successfully to assess and manage public information, inform policy objectives and strategy, drive operational tactics and build community cohesion. This session will […]

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New Vulnerabilities: Cyber Security

Moderator: Jennifer Larino Cyber attacks are one of the gravest threats to our national security and resilience. Whether financially or politically motivated, a cyber attack upon a community’s systems and infrastructure can cause widespread and prolonged disruption of essential government functions. Communities must understand their vulnerabilities and be able to maintain and recover critical operations […]

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Beyond Lines on a Map: Opportunities for Collaboration for Resilience Financing

The vulnerability to and threat of differing acute shocks and chronic stresses is not uniform across communities, which means preparation, impacts and responses will vary both on the regional scale and even between communities in the same area. Still, many of these issues will look the same across the country and programs to develop broadly […]

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Look Before You Leap

Moderator: Robin Barnes Building resilience – and knowing where to invest and leverage existing and limited resources – requires that a community first gain the knowledge of its vulnerabilities. Despite the desire to engage in this work, the ability to identify and measure resilience challenges, goals, and priorities remains a barrier. Important tools have been […]

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Many Hands Make Light Work

When communities experience an acute shock, one of the most immediately abundant resources is the time and energy of people who want to help. But leveraging human capital can be difficult and far too often the need for citizen and volunteer engagement is in the pre-disaster or long-term recovery time period, not the immediate aftermath. […]

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