Early Bird discounted registration rates for the private sector are only offered through this Friday, January 15. Time is also running out to reserve a hotel room in the RES/CON room block at the group rate. To register, visit www.resconnola.com. For more information on reserving a hotel room, please visit resconnola.com/program/hotel-travel-information.

Disaster and resilience practitioners from around the globe are invited to attend RES/CON New Orleans, the annual convening for this growing field of experts spanning the public, private and NGO sectors. RES/CON, formerly the International Disaster Conference & Expo (IDCE), will take place on March 1 – 3, 2016, at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

Based in New Orleans — a globally recognized hub of resilience, disaster management and innovation – RES/CON is the premier international conference on the practice of successful resilience and disaster management in an evolving global environment. Plenary sessions, workshops, policy debates, best-practice reviews, thought leadership and peer networking events will serve to engage global and local thought leaders and promote participation from all who attend in an exploration of profound and powerful topics that impact communities and economies worldwide.

Confirmed sessions include:

Lessons Learned from the Paris attacks – Christian Sommade, Executive Director of the French High Committee for Civil Defence

Branding Communities Vulnerable to Disaster – John Deveney, President of Deveney Public Relations & Marketing

Evolution of an Industry: From Disaster to Resilience – Robin Barnes, Executive Vice President and COO of Greater New Orleans, Inc.
Federal agencies and international governments will be represented in many speaker sessions and in other RES/CON events and activities. Additional sessions and program highlights will be announced weekly!

Learn more about these sessions and scheduling at www.reconnola.com.